Gloucester, MA. 12.08.22

images of dinner i had with a terribly ill-fated hookup and their friend. d and i went back to middle school, where we were always on the peripheries of eachothers lives. i had history with all of their friends, including their long time girlfriend, m, who was a waitress at the restaurant. though before this we had been friends, she and i fought so much and so severely throughout middle school that we had to be separated at points. she always thought i was crazy, and she had every right to. we had not seen eachother since sophomore year of highschool, but met again over this dinner after d and i had slept together. there is not a word to represent the immensity of how awkward this felt, though the booze supplied by d, an alcholic since freshman year, did help.

this night was the first that d and i had seen each other since i recieved a text that both them and m had tested positive for chlamydia 3 days after our hookup. i would come to find out that i was the only out of a group of 8 people who was completely negative across the board. i had never fit in well with their friendgroup, being too annoying to tolerate while being too ugly to fuck. now that i met their standards, i was keen to be involved in what i thought was the most romantic life imaginable. an apartment on the water shared by two artsy lesbians, one working at a cafe and the other a bartender, who spent their nights drinking and successfully imitating bohemian culture. i always wanted to be a part of their lives, living on the outside for so long. finding out that they had contracted chlamydia from an older man, one whom expressed to them how desperately he wished he had the opportunity to rape me in an experience we had prior, sort of broke the facade. this carefree lifestyle is enviable, but often comes from a place with little regard for morals.

go back.